CLAROVITA NUTRITION Inc. was established by Dr. Tahereh H. NiaCEO, (Ph.D. in Nutritional Biotechnology, Post Doctorate in Clinical Nutritional Biotechnology from McGill University) and Mr. Khalil Mughrabi, President (Biochemist from Concordia University) in 2004.
The scientific team applies innovative technologies to formulate and process medicinal foods, unique food supplements and other physiologically active compounds in nature which may reduce the risk of chronic diseases, or promote optimum health. The scientific “know how” of the company is based on a knowledge of the role of physiologically active components in dairy, phytochemicals, and marine sources, to provide better health within a normal diet.
CLAROVITA NUTRITION Inc. exploits commercially innovative production techniques to activate the preventative and therapeutic aspects of functional foods, including milk, milk proteins, whey protein isolates, soy proteins, fermented soy products and probiotics such as different types of kefir. Utilizing such high-tech and innovative processes, high-quality nutrients like fermented food protein and isolated bio-active components are made accessible to the general public. The products include baby formulas for different ages of infancy and childhood, health enhancing products for adults and the elderly, healthy beverages, snack bars, cheese, and food supplements. For formulating these functional foods, unique and pure raw materials are used with the aim of generating first-rate final products. All products are marketed as health enhancing ingredients, functional foods and nutraceuticals.
CLAROVITA NUTRITION Inc. takes pride in being the first Canadian company in the field of baby formulas to represent Canadian knowledge and scientific experience through the world. Our products aim to decrease chronic disease incidence and even alleviate the side effects of diseases such as diabetes at all ages, including childhood. Our consumers appreciate our guidance and information in making right nutritional choices and thereby increasing their average life span in better health using high quality products. “ClaroVita Nutrition Inc. confers health, joy, clarity of mind and quality of life to all.” says Tahereh H. Nia, PhD, the CEO and Head of research and development of the company.
Clarovita with the mission of “health, joy, clarity of mind in nutritional choices and quality of life to all”, focuses on innovative products which are based on preventive and protective aspects of functional foods specifically proteins and antioxidants from natural source.
There are four brands that represent our company:
Each brand covers certain applications of our products used in different countries